Editorial Policy

Effective date

This Editorial Policywas effective from February 1st, 2025.

Naira Stories Editorial Policy may be revised from time to time. Your continuous use of Naira Stories website indicates your agreement to the terms of the most recentEditorial Policy.

In line with the Nigerian Constitution, Naira Stories owners, editors, writers, and contributors will exercise their constitutional obligations to publish factual and accurate information, and state opinions that will help the public reach an informed judgment on public matters.

At Naira Stories, a print and online literary magazine, objectivity and integrity are our watchwords. Our mission is to provide quality creative and literary content. We aim to create content that is simple, informative, and empowering.

We will, within our power and resources, adhere to editorial independence that fosters the collective interest of the public, including peace, unity, economic development, and security.

We will seek and report all news fairly, honestly, and factually. However, readers should be aware that opinion articles are solely the responsibility of their respective authors.

Naira Stories will not interview or film children under the age of 13 without the consent of a parent or guardian. 

Naira Stories will retract published content or advertorial that is found to be dangerous or false. Also, an explanation or apology will be published on our website once an error has been admitted.

Naira Stories will always credit the source of an article or multimedia. Our writers are not allowed to lift facts or other material from another publication without full disclosure or reference.

Naira Stories accepts business promotions, adverts, banners, and other commercial content after they undergo scrutiny to ensure conformity to our editorial standards before publication.

For transparency, if an article features affiliate links or sponsored content, we will disclose this information. Comments, questions, letters, and feedback from our readers are valued and needed to help us maintain the optimum standards of editorial quality. Naira Stories will investigate any allegation of a breach of these editorial guidelines by its writers or contributors.

How to contact us about this Editorial Policy

Naira Stories

Attention: Editorial Policy

6C Adenuga Street, New Bodija, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria

Or mail us via: contact@nairastories.com. The subject of your email should be ‘Editorial Policy’.