We have tried to answer many of your anticipated questions below. If you have other questions, let us know by using the contact information at the end of this page.
What is Naira Stories?
Naira Stories is an independent print and online literary magazine dedicated to showcasing emerging and established writers from Africa and beyond.
Who publishes Naira Stories?
Naira Stories is published by Alumona Media Limited, an independent media company based in Nigeria.
Where can I find Naira Stories?
You can find the print version of the magazine on newsstands in major towns and cities in Nigeria and the digital version of the print magazine at www.nairastories.com.
Who writes for Naira Stories?
Anybody can submit their work or stories to the print and online versions of the magazine.
What kind of stories is the magazine looking for?
The print version of the magazine is published triannually in the following order: fiction, first issue of the year; creative nonfiction, second issue of the year; and memoir, third and last issue of the year.
Aside from our triannual print magazine, our regular online publications feature short fiction, short nonfiction, drama, interviews, poetry, essays, art and photography, book reviews, film and music reviews, literary and entertainment news, and opinions.
Does Naira Stories pay its contributors?
We pay a reasonable token for writers who contribute to our print magazine. However, we regret that, at the moment, we may not be able to pay writers who contribute to our online publications.
How do I submit to the magazine?
Submissions for our triannual print magazine are made through our print submission page. Submissions for our regular online magazine are made through our online submission page. Submissions for our news and opinion content are made through our news and opinion submission page.
Book Review
Why should I get my book reviewed by Naira Stories?
As a new author, it may not be easy to attract the right attention your book needs. Naira Stories has the medium and creative expertise to help your book get discovered. Our reviewers are professionals, and their reviews are fair and unbiased.
What books should I submit?
We consider fiction, nonfiction, children’s books, teen and young adult literature, drama, poetry, biography, memoirs, and textbooks. We review both pre-published books and new books. We rarely review books older than six months.
How much does it cost to get my book reviewed by Naira Stories?
Our book review services go hand in hand with our book promotion services on our website and social media pages. In light of this, we charge a modest commission for the books we review and promote.
We charge between N60,000 – N80,000 to review and promote a book for one week on our website and social media pages. Children’s and teen/young adult books are charged less, while adult and academic books are charged more.
Since you charge for reviews, will it be positive?
We are fair and unbiased with our reviews. While we do not always guarantee positive reviews, unfavourable reviews can be seen as good feedback for improvements. Unfortunately, we do not publish reviews we do not consider positive.
How long and detailed will the review be?
The ideal word limit for our reviews is 600 –1200 words. Children’s and teen/young adult’s books may be 600 – 800 words. Adult books are usually 800 – 1200 words.
Irrespective of the word limit, our reviews are detailed with the most fundamental elements of a book review, replete with incisive analysis, enough to help publishers, literary agents, and readers decide if the book will be of interest to them
How long does it take to review a book?
As soon as we receive the book in an e-book or print format, it takes between two to four weeks to get it reviewed.
Where will the review be published?
The review will be published on our website: www.nairastories.com and publicised across all our social media pages.
How do I get more information on your book review guidelines?
More enquiries on book reviews should be emailed to contact@nairastories.com.
Newsletter subscriptions
Why should I subscribe to the newsletter when I can read the stories online for free?
We want everyone to have access to our stories, so we put all our content online for free. On the other hand, you should subscribe to our newsletter to get our stories and other information about our work.
How do I subscribe to the magazine?
You can subscribe to the magazine through our newsletter.
Does Naira Stories accept interns?
We do, sometimes. When we need interns, we will announce it via our website, newsletter, or social media pages.
Does Naira Stories accept advertisements?
Yes, we do! We advertise in print and online. If you want to find out more, and maybe advertise with us, you can check out our advert rates.
How can I donate to Naira Stories?
If you want to donate to support our work, which we encourage you to do, click here.
Other questions?
If there is anything else you would like to know about us, let us know via: contact@nairastories.com