About Us

Naira Stories was founded on the premise that literary narratives go beyond traditional storytelling ─ they also encompass economic and social spaces that shape everyday experiences. This is why the magazine prides itself on the fluid currency through which uncommon stories are exchanged and transported across the world.  

Africans are great storytellers who tell their complex, yet special stories in a manner that reflects their diverse identities. We believe that in our quest to tell our stories, no person or platform without deep-seated African roots can tell it better than we do. Recognising this fact, Naira Stories believes that stories can unite, inspire, and humanise people and societies.

Naira Stories also believes that in everyday human interaction, everyone across cultures, backgrounds, and generations has a special story to share. This is why we publish a wide range of literary genres that cater to their tastes and creative forms.

Naira Stories is an independent print and online literary magazine showcasing narratives of emerging and established writers. Our mission is to create a platform that fosters the importance of storytelling and reading in a way that is easily accessible to all.

The print version of the magazine, through which original voices are celebrated and diverse thoughts propagated, is published triannually, rotating among the genres in the following order: fiction, first issue of the year; creative nonfiction, second issue of the year; and memoir, third and last issue of the year.

Aside from our triannual print magazine, our regular online publications feature short fiction, short nonfiction, drama, interviews, poetry, essays, art and photography, book reviews, film and music reviews, literary and entertainment news, and opinions.

We also run weekly, monthly, and triannual initiatives such as online book fairs, book reading, an online writers’ centre, and a writers’ workshop.

Because we are dedicated to publishing quality content and remunerating our print magazine contributors, we seek ways of supporting our work. We do this through adverts and the support of our readers and benefactors.